Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Jersey Shore vs. Rural Ohio

I wouldn't say I was a "good girl" when I was young, but I would be if I compared myself to the Jersey Shore crew. I watched a JS show today and I was blown away. While the entertainment factor was really high, the underlying content is pretty low. I can't help but wonder if my 2 yr old and almost 1 yr old are going to be influenced by this type of behavior in school or out in public. Let me back up. If you haven't heard of "The Jersey Shore", it is a show about a bunch of kids (over 21) that go to a destination to (Jersey Shore and now Miami) drink a bunch of booze and try to hook up with "Guido Juiceheads" or hot girls. There are lots of fights, name calling, bullying, tanning and sex. The kids are all Italian with an underlying theme of the importance of family, which was the foundation of their backgrounds. I wonder how their parents feel about their kids now.

I spend quite a bit of time thinking about raising my children to be respected, educated and contributing members of society. How can I be successful in doing the biggest, most important job of my life? Again, the answer comes to me, as it always does, to the farm. So, I'm going to take it upon myself to raise my children in the farm environment, where hard work is rewarding, self esteem and character building chores are going to mold my children into adults that build integrity and respect. And for myself, I hope that my kids will say that they were raised in a great home, loved their childhood and want to do the same for their children.

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