Monday, February 21, 2011


I have been thinking about my Pumpking Barn blog and that I may need to change it. Our farm is called "Harvest Moon Farm" and this blog is called The Pumpkin Barn so I was thinking about changing it before I got a 4th followerer! LOL AND, I might split out into a quilting blog too since quilting has overtaken the farm blog. So many decisions to make.... stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


A few days ago we played in the snow because someone kept telling me he needed to shovel snow. Who am I to stop him?

The little girl stayed warm in the Ranger. Smart girl.

I've been making lots of quilt blocks, pics soon to come...

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Christmas Quilt

This Christmas project is two years old. It was machine appliqued on my Janome and the pattern is by Smith Street Desgins. This is when my quilts get stuck on the shelf, waiting to be quilted. I do see machine quilting classes in my future...someday. Actually, my goal is to have it hanging on my quilt rack at the end of this year .

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I knitted this beautiful pink dish towel!!! Yes, ME!!! Friday night I went over to Grandma Betty's and she taught me how to knit. (Well, she taught me in between all the wine and conversation.) I loved every minute of it, thank you Grandma Betty!!! I love you!!!

I decided to piece the Christmas quilt before the BOM. It's all cut out, but I realized I needed a whiter "white" than what I have on hand. It's a little bit of a setback, so I'll just have to pick up the knitting needles again. =D

Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow Days = Quilt Daze

My little guy turned 3. THREE!!! I just can't believe that my first born is growing up so quickly. Everyone said that it goes by fast and it sure is flying by. We had a little party for him at Acres of Fun with some close friends and family. The kids had a blast and the parents were exhausted after 2 hours of total fun madness!!! Great times....
Onto quilting news... I joined Fat Quarter Shop's "Civil War Chronicles" BOM and my very first one arrived today!!! YAY!!! Here's a peek at my package today: I want to start on the BOM, but I have this project all ready (and washed) to cut and piece for a Christmas quilt. This particular quilt is going to be MINE - I'm not giving it to anyone!!!
So much to do and so little time with a now 3 year old and a 1 year old. AND I have the Frolic quilt to ripstitch and hand quilt. Good thing everyday is cold and snowy right now, I'm getting more accomplished!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In a funk.

I didn't get the Frolic quilt finished. In fact, I practiced machine quilting on scraps for a week and I finally sat down with the real thing and botched it up. On a scale from 1-10, I would rate it a 4. And I didn't finish because I was so disappointed. So I gave Ariana some other gifts that she loved and in the mean time, I'll be ripstitching the quilt and doing it by hand so that it will be ready for the new little bundle in March. I love becoming an auntie, it's SO much FUN!
On the farm front, not much happening because it's the middle of January. We've had really low temps this year and all of this snow has stuck around for a long time! I snapped these pictures a few days ago - I thought it was SO pretty out with a light layer of fog covered the farm in the morning...

The sun rising in the east...

Back to the grind now... A.J.'s 3rd birthday is on Friday and Miss Izzy is starting to walk!!! How quickly time slips by...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Quilt for my niece or nephew

I finished a quilt top last night, it's the first one in over a year! I'm giving it as a baby shower gift to my sister in law next Sunday. I went outside to take a picture of my quilt top and saw an Amish buggy riding by.... (They didn't see me and if they did, I hope they are not offended if they saw me snapping my camera in their direction.)
The quilt is "Frolic" by Sandy Gervais. I have been gazing at this quilt for several months now at the Fat Quarter Shop online - wishing I had someone to make it for as a gift.
Well, what do you know? My sister in law, Ariana told me that she is decorating the babies room with owls... so a light went of in my head and I bought the kit right away and got to work. Now I have to machine quilt it in 7 days!!! Well, I'm inspired and determind to finish it!!! (fingers crossed!)

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Is it weird?

Is it weird that it is January 5th and I haven't taken my tree down? I love it so much because of the wonderful memories it brings.... thank goodness I captured these moments.

I can't believe it's over.... and now I'm looking at quilt projects for 2011!!! I just cut out "Frolic" by Sandy Gervais. I'm making it as a baby shower gift - pics soon!!!